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2004-10-12 :: 10:42 p.m.

up to speed on our life

It's been almost 6 months since I've made an entry. I don't know if I was feeling distracted or overwhelmed or what, but now I'm feeling a little more so-called normal.

Mark and I got married on May 8, 2004 and had an absolutely great day. Everything went so smoothly, the food was great, the company we great and towards the end of the night we broke a table that we were dancing on.

For our honeymoon we spent 10 glorious days in Hawaii. We're going back, I don't know when, but we're going back. There's something for everyone there, it's beautiful and worth the long flight to and from. I often day dream about being back there.

Our other big news is that we're having a baby and I'm due March 21. We're not going to find out what we're having, we really like the element of surprise. We have no names picked out, but I found a great site of Irish babies names that Frank McCourt reads aloud for proper pronunciation and meaning.

The other amazing thing is that our friend Lisanne is due the same day as I am. How weird is that?

Well, enough about me...I'm off to read.

low tide :: high tide

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