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2004-11-24 :: 10:47 p.m.

it just take some people longer....

I'm so bad about updating lately, but at least I make an effort.

I'm still feeling great and I actually have been feeling slight movements from the baby since last Wednesday. The baby very well could have been moving before then, but when s/he moves, it's so subtle that I barely feel it, so if the movements occurred while I was sleeping, there's no way I'd know.

Today I was planning, okay hoping, to get out of work at 3pm. We were allowed to go at 4:45pm, the office closes at 5:00pm, oh and no one told me until 5:50. I was the first one into the main office this morning and the last one to go. My only solace was that some sales people were still working. That frosted me.

Also, last night Mark told me that not only can he not attend next week's birthing class, but he can't go to the one on the 9th either. He's on the Board of Directors for the country club. It's not his fault, but until recently the had their meetings on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings. He actually wanted me to stop attending the classes I've begun and take the next session in January. I refused.

I appreciate that he is so excited that we're having a baby, but he won't truly understand how the baby will change our lives until the baby is actually here changing our lives. It just takes some people longer than others to figure things out....

low tide :: high tide

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